Transitioning to Natural

Transitioning means to grow out a chemical relaxer that permanently straightens your hair. Relaxers are something used by those that have highly textured hair who want to maintain a straight style or who want to loosen their texture.

Growing out your chemical relaxer can be both exciting and frustrating. Some people take the fast route and do the “big chop”, while others “transition” for a short or long period of time.

The “Big Chop”  literally means to “chop” off all of your relaxed ends to reveal your natural hair. Everyone who goes natural eventually will do the “big chop”, whether its cutting a lot of hair early on or just a few relaxed ends after a while of transitioning. There are several ways you can go about doing the “big chop.

1) Go bald: Some people decide to go natural by shaving their head and going bald. Yes, this method does sound a bit extreme, but many women have chosen this route and have pulled it off beautifully.

2) Short-term transition: Commonly, many women chose to transition for a short period of time that ranges from 0-6 months. After that, they either cut their hair themselves with scissors or clippers, or go to a salon or barber to do the work. Once the chemically treated hair is all gone at this stage, you will have what the natural hair community calls a TWA (tiny weeny afro).

3) Long-term transition: For those that are more comfortable with length and are not ready to let go of their hair so soon, long-term transitioning is the best route for them. This usually can last up to 7 months or until the person is ready. Some people have waited 2 to 3 years and do little “mini chops” along the way until their hair is completely natural.


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